Within Shiptheory we provide an option for Paperless Exports, to enable this option you'll need a paperless invoice contract and your UPS has to be set up for paperless, this can be done by contacting your account manager and requesting this. To use the DAP (Delivered at Place) enhancement that Shiptheory offers you'll need to enable this setting

We also provide an option that allows you to choose whether you or the customer pays the duties and taxes, by default, the receiver is responsible for paying any applicable import duties and taxes. If you wish, you can choose to have the sender responsible for these charges. The screenshot below displays what these options look like.

You can find these options by scrolling to the bottom of your UPS settings page and clicking on the little cog, there's a screenshot below of what this looks like, clicking the cog shows the advanced settings which is where these options are.

If you need any other help, don't be hesitant to contact support.