In the event that technical issues or scheduled maintenance renders Royal Mail's OBA system unavailable, the simplest course of action is to wait and generate your manifest after the OBA Is back online. If you cannot wait and need to manifest immediately, you can create an emergency manifest on the Royal Mail Emergency Manifest page.
Important Note to Prevent Double Billing
You should only create an emergency manifest if the OBA system is unavailable. Furthermore, if you create an emergency manifest, the next time you successfully manifest in Shiptheory, those shipments you manifested on the emergency manifest will be sent to Royal Mail, potentially resulting in double billing. To prevent this, please, contact your account manager at Royal Mail prior to creating an emergency manifest to ensure they will able to remove the double charge.
Important Note on Deleting Royal Mail Labels: If you are creating an emergency manifest, make sure you speak with your Royal Mail account manager before hand, as per above. You must not delete labels from the manifest in Shiptheory if you intend to ship those labels; Any deleted labels you ship will insecure a penalty charge from Royal Mail - Under no circumstance should you dispatch deleted Royal Mail labels.