When booking a Predict or Parcelshop Delivery shipment with DPD.de, delivery notifications will be sent to the recipient to update them on the progress of their delivery. You can choose how to the notifications to your customers will be sent.

From your Shiptheory DPD.de settings page, click on Advanced Settings in the bottom left corner of the page to access the delivery notifications settings.

Delivery Notifications Type

Under Delivery Notifications Type you can select from four options -

  • SMS if available, else Email (default)
    If an SMS number is available in the recipient's address then this will be selected, otherwise, their email address will be used.
  • Email if available, else SMS
    If an email address is available in the recipient's details then this will be selected, otherwise, their SMS number will be used.
  • SMS only
    Only the recipients SMS number will be selected and used.
  • Email only
    Only the recipients SMS number will be selected and used.

The language of the notifications will be set to the most commonly spoken language of the delivery country.

If you have any questions or need any help, just reach out to our support team. We are happy to help.