Getting to the Shipment Tags Overview

To manage your tags within Shiptheory go to Settings > Shipment Tags.

You'll be taken to an overview where you can view all of your shipment tags

Adding a Tag

Click Add New Tag.

Give your tag a name, select a background and text colour. You'll be given a live preview (1) of your tag as you edit it in the preview section. Hit Save (2) when you're done. 

Editing a Tag

To edit a tag click on the dropdown (1) in your tags overview and select Edit (2) You'll be taken to the same view you saw when creating your tag. Here you can update the name and the tag's colours. 


Deleting a Tag

To delete a tag click on the dropdown (1) in your tags overview and select Delete (2).

Bulk Deleting Tags

Select the tags you want to delete using the checkboxes (1), open the dropdown at the bottom of the page (2) and then click Delete (3).