Pallet-Track shipments in Shiptheory require a package to be provided when booking. Furthermore Pallet-Track only accepts packages named as the following (dimensions are in width x length x height): 

  • FULL - Equates to a pallet which is 120cm x 120cm x 220cm and weighs up to 1200kg
  • HALF - Equates to a pallet which is 120cm x 120cm x 200cm with a maximum weight of 500kg
  • QUARTER - Equates to a pallet which is 120cm x 120cm x 60cm  with a maximum weight of 250kg

You should create these package types in Shiptheory. To do so go to Settings > Package Sizes and click Add new Package Size.

Enter the name and dimensions above for one of the packages, set it as a Pallet and set Active to YES. Then click Save. Repeat this process for all 3 package types.

When you come to ship make sure you have selected at least one of these package sizes and that you have no selected any invalid package sizes. Doing otherwise will result in an error and your shipment will not be booked in with Pallet-Track.