Pallet-Track supports 3 types of consignment:

  • Delivery: Your consignments are despatched from one of your site addresses to be delivered elsewhere.
  • Collection and Delivery: Your consignments are neither collected from one of your own site addresses or to be delivered to one of your site addresses.
  • Collection: You would like your consignment to be collected and brought back to one of your site addresses. The delivery address should match one of the site addresses setup in the customer portal.

Shiptheory defaults to using Delivery but this behaviour can be changed in 2 ways. 

  1. If you would like all your shipments to use a different consignment type, then you can change the type in the advanced settings of your Pallet-Track integration page in Shiptheory:
  2. If you want to control the consignment type on a shipment-by-shipment basis, then you can use the "Type: ..." enhancements when booking a shipment: