Collection Cutoff Times

Your collection cutoff time represents the latest time in the day which a shipment can be booked in on the same day. Any shipment which comes into Shiptheory on the same day after the cutoff time will be booked in on the next day. If the next day is a weekend, then booking in is dictated by your Weekend Collections settings. If neither Saturday or Sunday is selected then the shipment will be scheduled for pickup on the monday.

Weekend/Holiday Collections

IMPORTANT: Before enabling weekend and holiday collections in Shiptheory please speak to your DHL Parcel UK account manager to have the functionality for this behaviour enabled on your account. 

By default Shiptheory will skip over collection days on weekends and public holidays. The following settings control this behaviour:

UK Region

Shiptheory uses DHL Parcel UK's Public Holidays API to check that your collection day does not fall on a public holiday. Different areas of the UK celebrate different holidays and therefore Shiptheory needs to know which region of the UK you operate in, in order to search for the correct public holidays.


  • England and Wales
  • Scotland
  • Northern Ireland

Weekend/Holiday Collections Enabled

Please discuss with your DHL Parcel UK account manager before enabling.

  • When disabled Shiptheory will search for public holidays and will not book in a shipment on a weekend or public holiday instead booking the shipment in on the next working day. When enabled.
  • When enabled Shiptheory will not search for public holidays and will book in the shipment without this check. Also when enabled, users can choose to enable Saturday and Sunday collections.

Weekend Collections

You must have enabled "Weekend/Holiday Collections" before you can use these settings. 

  • Check "Saturday" if you allow collections on Saturdays
  • Check "Sunday" if you allow collections on Sundays