While using APC Horizon you can specify how the Ship date is calculated for your shipments. The below option is available under the Advanced Settings section of your APC settings page.
Use Next Available Day
While use next available day is enabled Shiptheory will calculate the next possible working day which the collection date can be set. If the shipment is a Saturday service the collection date will be set for the next available Friday.
Note: If weekend collection days are selected these will count as working days so it is advised to only enable this option if you have collections on those days.
Use Selected Ship Date
With this setting enabled Shiptheory will use the Ship date which you have set. This can be pulled through from the following sales channels:
Shiptheory API
Magento 2
You can also manually select a ship date within the Shiptheory UI when you are booking APC orders as shown below:
Offset By Set Days
With this setting enabled you can offset all of your APC bookings to be a set number of days in the future. When you select Offset By Set Days within the APC settings page an additional option will appear, as shown below. The value entered will be the amount of working days in the future your ship date should be set.
Need Help?
If you are having trouble with getting setup with APC, please get in touch. We are happy to help.