This guide documents the API needed for Shiptheory to download shipments from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
- OAuth Access Tokens
- Company Information via ODatav4
- Warehouse Location via ODatav4
- Warehouse / Posted Warehouse Shipment via ODatav4
- Shipment Status Update via ODatav4
- User List for Channel User Printing (Optional)
Please implement them in Business Central, example AL codes are given here:
- Configuring Microsoft Dynamics for Warehouse Shipment
- Configuring Microsoft Dynamics for Posted Warehouse Shipment
1 - OAuth Access Token
This API is provided by Microsoft to authenticate all application access. All requests made by Shiptheory will have a Bearer Token obtained set in the header.
Body – Form Data
Key | Value |
client_id | The one generated in the Azure Portal |
client_secret | The one generated in the Azure Portal |
scope | |
grant_type | client_credentials |
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"ext_expires_in": 3599,
"access_token": "XXXX"
2- Company Information via ODatav4
Shiptheory uses this API as part of a connection test. Replace the Tenant ID, environment string (Sandbox or Production), and Company ID (e.g. Demo - ABC) with yours in the above. When a request is made, the company ID will be URL-encoded.
Parameters: Company ID
Body – Form Data
Key | Value |
Authorization | Bear access_token from 1 - OAuth Access Token |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
If-Match | * |
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Company/$entity",
"Name": "Demo Company",
"timestamp": 1525918,
"Evaluation_Company": true,
"Display_Name": "Demo Co",
"Id": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Business_Profile_Id": "",
"SystemCreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"SystemCreatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"SystemModifiedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"SystemModifiedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3- Warehouse Location via ODatav4
To return a warehouse location:'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryLocations(‘LOCATIONID’)
To return a list of warehouse locations:'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryLocations
Shiptheory uses this API to get the warehouse address for shipment rather than the default Shipment Location set in the Shiptheory website’s UI. This is enabled in the channel setting page.
Location ID: Warehouse location code e.g. MAIN
Body – Form Data
Key | Value |
Authorization | Bear access_token from 1 - OAuth Access Token |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
If-Match | * |
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Company('Demo%20ABC')/shiptheoryLocations/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "xxx",
"code": "MAIN",
"name": "Main Warehouse",
"address": "4.1 Paintworks",
"address2": "Bath Road",
"city": "Bristol",
"county": "",
"postCode": "BS4 3EH",
"countryRegionCode": "GB",
"phoneNo": "+44-(0)12 1234 1234",
"email": ""
4- Warehouse / Posted Warehouse Shipment via ODatav4
For Warehouse Shipment:'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryWhseShipments?$filter=QUERY_STRING
For Posted Warehouse Shipment:'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryPostedWhseShipmentsQuery?$filter=QUERY_STRING
Shiptheory uses this API to search for Warehouse Shipment.
Please return an empty array ([]) for value in your response if there is no matching shipment filtered by the QUERY_STRING. e.g.
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Company('Demo%20ABC')/shiptheoryWhseShipments",
"value": []
Example 1 - To download a shipment
QUERY_STRING =whseShipmentNo eq 'WSHIP-000001' and sourceNo eq 'SO-00001' and status eq 'Released'
Example 2 - Shipments discovery for Warehouse Shipment - we both use 'status' and 'shiptheoryStatus' so that we will no download the same shipment again:
QUERY_STRING=status eq 'Released' and shiptheoryStatus ne 'Booked' and shiptheoryStatus ne 'In Progress' and shiptheoryStatus ne 'Queued'
Example 3 - Shipments discovery for Posted Warehouse Shipment - we only use 'shiptheoryStatus' so that we will no download the same shipment again:
QUERY_STRING=shiptheoryStatus ne 'Booked' and shiptheoryStatus ne 'In Progress' and shiptheoryStatus ne 'Queued'
Body – Form Data
Key | Value |
Authorization | Bear access_token from 1 - OAuth Access Token |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
If-Match | * |
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Company('Demo%20ABC')/shiptheoryWhseShipments",
"value": [
"systemIdWhseShipmentHeader": "xxxxxxxx-8506-ed11-82f8-0022480097ae",
"whseShipmentNo": "WSHIP-000001",
"status": "Released",
"shipmentDate": "2019-09-17",
"shippingAgentCode": "FEDEX",
"shippingAgentServiceCode": "NEXT DAY",
"locationCode": "MAIN",
"systemIdWhseShipmentLine": "xxxxxxxx-8506-ed11-82f8-0022480097ae",
"sourceNo": "101002",
"lineNo": 10000,
"itemNo": "1968-S",
"description": "MEXICO Swivel Chair, black",
"quantity": 10,
"qtyToShip": 10,
"qtyShipped": 0,
"unitOfMeasureCode": "PCS",
"shiptheoryPTR": "",
"shiptheoryStatus": "Queued",
"systemIdSalesOrder": "xxxxxxxx-a0e2-4bf7-97b7-f057cc6bfbd2",
"shipToName": "Centennial Hotel",
"shipToAddress": "63-71 Hills Rd",
"shipToAddress2": "",
"shipToCity": "Cambridge",
"shipToCounty": "",
"shipToPostCode": "CB2 1PG",
"shipToCountryCode": "GB",
"sellToEmail": "",
"sellToPhoneNo": "",
"sellToVATRegistrationNo": "GB111111111",
"countryOfOriginCode": "",
"weightPerUOM": 7,
"heightPerUOM": 150,
"widthPerUOM": 100,
"lengthPerUOM": 90,
"cubagePerUOM": 1350000,
"commodityCode": "",
"commodityCodeDescription": "",
"AuxiliaryIndex1": "WSHIP-000001",
"AuxiliaryIndex2": "Order",
"AuxiliaryIndex3": "101002",
"AuxiliaryIndex4": "1968-S",
"AuxiliaryIndex5": "1968-S",
"AuxiliaryIndex6": "PCS"
Payload field details
The following table summarizes the meaning of each field in the payload:
5 - Shipment Status Update via ODatav4
This is to update M365 with the current shipment status and tracking number returned by carrier. Please refer to the shipment status section for more information. Notice different HTTP VERB is used for different shipment types (PUT vs PATCH)
It is very important you implemented this properly as this prevents Shiptheory from downloading the same shipment over and over again. If there is an error in updaing the shpiment's 'shiptheoryStatus', you should be able to see the error message in Shipment Message within Shiptheory.
For Warehouse Shipment - PUT'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryWarehouseShipmentLine(systemIdWhseShipmentLine)
e.g. …/shiptheoryWarehouseShipmentLine(ddb86f8b-c0ba-ee22-a56a-6045bdd0821d)
Shiptheory will make multiple calls to update each shipment lines status.
For Post Warehouse Shipment - PATCH'COMPANYID')/shiptheoryPostedWarehouseShipments(no=’whseShipmentNo’)
e.g. …/shiptheoryPostedWarehouseShipments(no='PWS34815')
For Warehouse Shipment
systemIdWhseShipmentLine: The unique key for the warehouse shipment line
For Post Warehouse Shipment
whseShipmentNo: The posted warehouse shipment no
shiptheoryPTR: Tracking Number
shiptheoryStatus: Shipment Status
Request - JSON
Shiptheory will send a PUT request to update the status of the Post Warehouse Shipment, or sale line of Warehouse Shipment (an item in a Sale Order) with this format as an example:
"shiptheoryStatus": "Booked",
"shiptheoryPTR": "T123456789"
In the event of the shipment is queued not booked:
"shiptheoryStatus": "Queued"
Response - JSON - Example of Warehouse Shipment
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Company('Demo%20ABC)/shiptheoryWarehouseShipmentLine/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "xxxx",
"systemId": "c5fb6d6a-8506-ed11-82f8-0022480097ae",
"no": "WSHIP-000001",
"lineNo": 20000,
"sourceNo": "101002",
"sourceLineNo": 20000,
"itemNo": "1928-S",
"description": "AMSTERDAM Lamp",
"shiptheoryPTR": "",
"shiptheoryStatus": ""
6 - User List for Channel User Printing
Upon the saving of the setting page, Shiptheory will retrieve a list of user to enable the Channel User Printing feature. Your shipment will still be downloaded if this API is not available to Shiptheory.
To learn more about User-Specific Printing, please read it here: Sales Channel User-Specific Printing.
To learn more about the above user listing API, please read it here: Microsoft Business Central user resource type.
COMPANY_ID in the form of "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". Shiptheory will retrieve the COMPANY_ID from the "Company Information" endpoint above.
Response - JSON
"userSecurityId": "GUID",
"userName": "katy",
"displayName": "Katy Burgess",
"state": "Enabled",
"expiryDate": "datetime"