To receive automatic emails containing your day's usage in Shiptheory, you'll want to firstly head to Reporting:

At the bottom of your reporting page, you'll see an option called "Manage Reports Emails":

Within this page, you can set up the following:

Email Address: Which email address should the report be sent to? You can enter multiple addresses here, comma separated.

CC Recipients: Which email address should be CC'd on the email? You can enter multiple addresses here, comma separated.

Report Run Time: Specify the run time for your reports. Any orders placed after this time will be included in tomorrow's report.

Shipment Statuses: Which statuses of shipments should be included on this report? You can control + click to select multiple.

Shipment Date Type: Should shipments show on the report from when they're created, or when they were last modified? It's important to note that if you select Last Modified, any rebooked shipments will re-appear in the daily report.

CSV Template: Which CSV template should the report use to send you the information? You can use an existing CSV template or create a new one to customise which information will be specified in this report.

Once that's all done, don't forget to hit Save!

If you have any questions or issues from there, please Contact Support.