Unable to Connect to Magento

If Shiptheory shows the above error, first check that you have entered your API Key into the Setup section of Magento as shown below.

I have entered my API Key and still see the error

If Shiptheory is still unable to connect to your Magento store, please check the following.

  1. Is your Magento version 1.7.* or higher?

    If you are using a lower version, please contact support, we may need to apply some additional configuration. You can find your Magento version at the bottom of every admin page, as shown below.

  2. Is your Magento API working?

    You can check this easily. In your Internet browser go to http://www.yourwebsiteaddress.com//index.php/api/soap/?wsdl.

    For example, if your website address is http://www.myshop.com, the you would go to http://www.myshop.com/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl

    Pay Attention to if your website uses www. or not and if it uses http:// or https:// and if you have extra paths in your URL, such as myshop.com/store/index.php/api...

    If your API is available, you should see in your browse something that looks a little like the below.

Still Having Trouble?

If this document did not help you, please get in touch with support. We are happy to help.