If you see an error from FedEx when trying to create a label that reads as one of the following...

8336 - Service is not allowed


8336 - Service type not valid with commitment

.. essentially, the message means that FedEx can not deliver your parcel to the destination on the delivery service you selected.

Reason for the Error?

This could be because there is not enough time for FedEx to physically make the delivery within the time given or that the delivery service is not available to your FedEx account.

What should I do?

Please contact your FedEx Account Manager and check that the service you are using is valid to your destination and enabled on your FedEx account.

If they say everything is set up on your account, and that you should be able to ship to that destination using that service, please get back to us, Shiptheory Support, and we will be happy to investigate further.